Unsentimental Education

Unsentimental Education

LIVES My Unsentimental Tutee By Laura Billings Published: New York Times Magazine, January 26, 1997 A literacy tutor is taught to connect with adult students by pointing out common beliefs. So when I first met Renzhen, a 30-something Chinese woman, I told her, hand on...
Motherhood Leaves Some Scars

Motherhood Leaves Some Scars

Back in the days before five-point harnesses and tricycle crash helmets, my mom used to strap my little brother and me to her bike — one in the basket, one on the fender — and go for a ride with the neighbor ladies. This worked nicely until the day my...
Weary o’ the Green

Weary o’ the Green

According to the Census Bureau, nearly 35 million Americans claim Irish ancestry. No such records are kept for those of us who are Irish merely by marriage, though we may be no less worthy of attention, and even some sympathy on a day like today. I was married on St....
Loving Lutsen

Loving Lutsen

Originally published in Mpls/St. Paul magazine, March 2012 On a bluebird morning last March, I slid off the chairlift for my family’s first run of the day at Lutsen, and surveyed the wintery scene. To the south, the Midwest’s only mountain tram was already running at...
Germ Warfare: Making Your Personal Pandemic Plan

Germ Warfare: Making Your Personal Pandemic Plan

My husband and I have three boys under the age of five, which is another way of saying we’re sick a lot. School-age kids average between eight and twelve colds a year, as do the siblings with whom our kindergartner competes in twice-a-day long-distance spitting...
Without Wellstone

Without Wellstone

The Washington Post October 27, 2002 Sunday Final Edition ST. PAUL As soon as the news of the plane crash flashed across TV screens at lunchtime Friday, Minnesotans began their individual memorials for Sen. Paul Wellstone. Several thousand arrived at the State Capitol...