Laura Billings Coleman

creative content for the common good

Essays and Opinion

Unsentimental Education

Unsentimental Education

Tiananmen Square wasn’t the touch point I was hoping for as an ESL tutor, but it was the start of long, maddening, and educational conversation with my most unsentimental tutee.

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Motherhood Leaves Some Scars

Motherhood Leaves Some Scars

Back in the days before five-point harnesses and tricycle crash helmets, my mom used to strap my little brother and me to her bike -- one in the basket, one on the fender -- and go for a ride with the neighbor ladies. This worked nicely until the day my brother could...

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Recommended Reading

Bio: Laura has been writing for national magazines, newspapers and new media since before it was called "content." A former columnist for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Mademoiselle and Mpls/St. Paul, her reporting and reviews have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post, Outside, Fast Company, SELF, Salon and many other publications.

Fun fact: Laura spent her formative years writing relationship advice in women’s magazines. Ask her anything. She’s here to help.